Daily bonuses
Perform activities in our bot or app and earn coins that can be spent on additional resources in the form of megabytes, minutes, SMS, as well as purchase goods in our marketplace
Get free minutes for calls in our app
You can also win various valuable prizes
The ability to receive Internet traffic every day

Premium bonuses and replenishment
Unlimited opportunity to win replenishment of your balance.
Level 1: 10,000 sum 15,000 sum 20,000 sum
Level 2: 25,000 sum 30,000 sum 35,000 sum
Level 3: 40,000 sum 45,000 sum 50,000 sum
Valuable prizes
You can also purchase valuable goods in our marketplace
Laptop MacBook Pro
smart watch
Monetization system
Earn coins in our telegram bot, and then spend in games, and vice versa - for completing levels, you earn coins and can spend on minutes, sms, megabytes and valuable prizes in Oltin Baliq.
Download app
Telegram Bot
Full functional mobile application Golden Fish dostupen v telegram-bote. Zahodite s lyubogo stroystva dlya togo, chtoby poluchat ejednevnye bonusy, a tak je sovershat purchase v magazine za zarabotanye koiny.
Go to Telegram Bot
Offline access
Oltin Baliq service is easy to use from any device. All application functionality is available via USSD request.